Topics in the Grammar of Spanish Sign Language (LSE)

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Kelepir Meltem

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Bibliographical reference for citation

The entire grammar:
Branchini, Chiara and Lara Mantovan (eds.). 2020. Topics in the Grammar of Spanish Sign Language (LSE). 1st ed. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series). ( (Accessed 31-10-2021)

A Chapter:
Surname, Name. 2020. Syntax: 3. Coordination and Subordination. In Branchini, Chiara and Lara Mantovan (eds.), Topics in the Grammar of Spanish Sign Language (LSE). 1st ed. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series), 230-237. (( (Accessed 31-10-2021)

A Section:
Surname, Name. 2020. Phonology: Finger configuration. In Mary, Smith, Ben Smith and Carlo Smith (eds.), Topics in the Grammar of Spanish Sign Language (LSE). 1st ed. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series), 230-237. ( (Accessed 31-10-2021)

Surname, Name. 2020. Syntax: Manual markers in disjunctive coordination. In Mary, Smith, Ben Smith and Carlo Smith (eds.), Topics in the Grammar of Catalan Sign Language (LSE). 1st ed. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series), 230-237. ( (Accessed 31-10-2021)