In this area of the platform, you can find interviews conducted with elderly Deaf signers from five countries on their life experiences as well as a documentary movie based on these interviews.

These interviews were conducted in five of the participating countries of the SIGN-HUB project and in six different sign languages: Catalan Sign Language (LSC), German Sign Language (DGS), Italian Sign Language (LIS), Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT), Spanish Sign Language (LSE), and Turkish Sign Language (TÄ°D).
In each country, interviews have been conducted in different geographical areas. The exact number of interviews differs per sign language, but for every sign language, at least 20 interviews have been conducted, with interviewees being between 66 and 97 years of age. Interviews followed a pre-defined questionnaire; however, the addition of country-specific questions was encouraged.
Click on the corresponding sign language to be directed to the interviews for that sign language: DGS, LIS, LSC, LSE, NGT, TÄ°D. This part of the platform is also searchable; it is, for instance, possible to search for clips based on age or gender of the interviewee.
In Israel, previously existing interviews by the University of Haifa Sign Language Research Lab have been digitized and made available on the platform (ISL).
In France, three previously existing French documentary movies belonging to the Académie de la Langue des Signes Française have been digitized and made available on the platform as well (link).
Based on materials from all seven countries, the 40-minute documentary movie ‘We were there, we are here’ has been created. This movie is also available, with English subtitles, here.
Enjoy browsing the digital archive and diving into the life stories of elderly Deaf signers!
If you would like to contribute interviews with elderly Deaf signers in your country to this digital archive, please contact us.