
We were there...We are here’ is a documentary movie based on interviews with elderly signers conducted or digitalized in the framework of the SIGN-HUB project. The interviewees are signers of Catalan Sign Language (LSC), French Sign Language (LSF), German Sign Language (DGS), Israeli Sign Language (ISL), Italian Sign Language (LIS), Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT), Spanish Sign Language (LSE), and Turkish Sign Language (TİD).

The interviews, which were all conducted by Deaf interviewers and by Deaf crews, tell the life stories of signers, including their involvement in major events of the history of Europe.
Lead partner: Roland Pfau (University of Amsterdam)

The production of the documentary has been coordinated by Meltem Kelepir, leader of the SIGN-HUB team at Bogazici University: Vincenza Iadevaia Gökgöz (producer), Aslı Göksel (assistant producer), Burcu Saral (assistant producer), Affan Taner (editor), and Ali Kanat (assistant editor).