

The grammatical descriptions presented here are the first parts of a comprehensive reference grammar of German Sign Language (DGS). The chapters are thus an important step towards a first comprehensive description of the grammatical and sociohistorical properties of DGS.


This publication is the direct outcome of โ€œThe SIGN-HUB project: preserving, researching and fostering the linguistic, historical and cultural heritage of European Deaf signing communities with an integral resourceโ€ (Grant Agreement 693349) which took place between 2016 and 2020 and was funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 framework program.

We would like to thank:

List of authors

Sukie Brinkmann: Syntax 3.1

Konstantin Grin: Syntax 1.2

Annika Herrmann: Phonology 2, Syntax 1.5, Syntax 3.3.3, Pragmatics 4

Jana Hosemann: Lexicon 3.1, Lexicon 3.2

Okan Kubus: Phonology 3, Pragmatics 10

Cornelia Loos: Syntax 2.1, Syntax 2.2

Claudia Macht: Syntax 1.2

Derya Nuhbalaoglu: Phonology 3, Lexicon 3.7, Syntax 1.5, Pragmatics 1.1, Pragmatics 2, Pragmatics 8, Pragmatics 10

Liona Paulus: Socio-historical background 2, Syntax 3.5.1

Nina-Kristin Pendzich: Phonology 1