Abbreviations of functional morphemes
atel |
atelic |
aux |
auxiliary |
ben |
benefactive |
caus |
causative |
com |
comitative |
comp |
complementizer |
compl |
completive |
cond |
conditional |
cont |
continuous |
cop |
copula |
decl |
declarative |
def |
definite |
dem |
demonstrative |
det |
determiner |
dıstr |
distributive |
dur |
durative |
excl |
exclusive |
foc |
focus |
fut |
future |
ımp |
imperative |
ıncl |
inclusive |
ınd |
indicative |
ındef |
indefinite |
ınf |
infinitive |
ıns |
instrumental |
ımpfv |
imperfective |
ırr |
irrealis |
loc |
locative |
neg |
negation, negative |
nmlz |
nominalizer |
pfv |
perfective |
pl |
plural |
poss |
possessive |
prf |
perfect |
prs |
present |
prog |
progressive |
pst |
past |
q_prt |
question particle/marker |
quot |
quotative |
recp |
reciprocal |
refl |
reflexive |
rel |
relative |
res |
resultative |
sg |
singular |
tel |
telic |
top |
topic |
voc |
vocative |
Abbreviations of non-manual markers
-b backward
-f forward
-l left
-r right
-t tensed
+ repetitive or more
af air flow averted eye gaze
bl body lean
bsh body shift
cd chin-down
ce closed eyes
cond conditional marker
cu chin-up
eb eye blink
eg eye gaze
fe furrowed eyebrows
foc focus marker
h-th head thrust
h-trn head turn
hn head nod
hp head position
hs headshake
ht head tilt
le lowered eyebrows
mc mouth closed
mcd mouth corners down
mo mouth open
modm modality marking
n-nbp non-neutral brow position
nbp neutral brow position
neg negation
non-sp non-specific prosodic change
pc puffed cheeks
pl pursed lips
re raised eyebrows
rel relative clause marker
rs roleshift
sc sucked-in cheeks
sp specific
spb static body posture
sq squint
top topic marker
tp tongue protrusion
we widened eyes
wh wh-question marker
wrn wrinkled nose
y/n polar question