Irregular negatives are also discussed in [Morphology – 3.5.2.]. An irregular negation can still show the negative component in a transparent way. Below we show two transparent negative verbs, want.not and suffice.not.
ix1 deaf get_upset want.not
‘I don’t want the Deaf to get upset.’
(Gökgöz 2011: 21)
money suffice.not
‘The money does not suffice.’
(r.f. Dikyuva et al. 2015: 260-261)
can.not/should.not is an irregular negative modal. It is an opaque form because one cannot identify the positive form by looking at the negative form. Such forms are called suppletive forms [Morphology – 3.5.]. can.not/should.not includes modality and means either the negation of possibility or permission. An example is given below.
The negative existential, there_is_not ([Morphology- 3.5.2.]), is another suppletive negative form. An example is given below.
ix1 small, kindergarten there_is_not
‘While I was a small child, there wasn’t a kindergarten.’
(Gökgöz 2009: 49)