Facial expressions

Non-neutral brow position, which is either raised eyebrows (re) or lowered eyebrows (le), occurs in sentences with negation.




        ix1 speak know^not

       ‘I can’t speak at all.’                                                                      

        (Zeshan 2003: 63)






ix1 word know^not

‘I don’t know the word.’                                                           

(Gökgöz 2009: 67)



ix1 banana front_throw not

‘I didn’t throw the banana to the front.’                                  

 (Gökgöz 2011: 66)


Puffed-cheeks can be used on a verb to indicate something that is not completed yet (see also[Morphology –]).



asli eat

        ‘Aslı didn’t eat it.’                                                              

      (Karabüklü 2016b: 3)


Tongue protrusion occurs in sentences with negative modality [Lexicon – 3.3.3.], [Morphology – 3.4.]; ‘modm-tp’ stands for modality marking tongue position.



        this word translate impossible

        ‘I cannot translate this word.’                                      

   (Dikyuva et al. 2017: 229)