Syntactic contexts introducing attitude role shift

Attitude role shifts are predominantly expressed by the verb say in the form of the 1-Handshape shape moving from the mouth to forward neutral signing space or to the location associated with the goal. When the goal is pronounced, say functions as a single-agreement verb, agreeing with the goal. The mouthing that accompanies say is de or sometimes sรถyle, the two verbs that mean say in spoken Turkish. In the following example, say is not inflected for goal.




โ€˜He/She said โ€œ...โ€โ€™


          In the following example say is inflected for goal.




โ€˜He/she said to him/her โ€œ...โ€โ€™

  (adapted from Kelepir and Gรถksel, 2013: 198)


To summarize, attitude role shift clauses appear in two types of constructions (qu means quoted utterance; pc means prosodic change which can be body shift, changing the direction of eyegaze and altered facial expressions):



say pause qu                                                  



qu pause say