List of relativization signs

The most common relativization sign is an index sign, ix, which can have a different phonetic realization as a Flat-Handshape. The sign same and sometimes a pointer or theme buoy [Lexicon - 1.2.3.] can also be used as a relativization sign in TÄ°D. These relativization signs are sometimes accompanied by raised eyebrows, head nod and mouthing of [o]. An ix is used as a relativization sign in the following example, with a head-nod (hn), [o] and raised-eyebrows (re).




                                                                               sq  re

soft [spongehard front back soft above hard ix3] buy

'Buy a soft sponge, which has a hard substance on top, and a soft substance beneath.'

 (Kubus 2016: 348)


The sign same is the relativization sign in the following example.



a_week_later in woman self [door same poor very walk door same] look

'A week later, the girl looked at the door, through which the poor man was walking slowly.'

   (Kubus 2016: 346)


Lastly, the example below shows a pointer buoy [Lexicon - 1.2.3.] used as a relativization sign. (h1) and (h2) represent right and left hand respectively. The left hand, which is functioning as a relativization sign, is pointing to the cl-person who is coreferential with the head of the relative clause.


(h1) [man3 person CL:'come_together' CL:'person' help CL:'person'] turkish citizen birth

(h2)                                                         Ä±x3.........               Ä±x3.........

'The man that I met, who was helping me, was a Turkish citizen.'

 (adapted from Kubus 2016: 322)