Attributive possessive pronouns

An attributive possessive pronoun indicates the possessor of a possessive noun phrase. It can be signed with a 1-Handshape. This pronoun can precede the head noun.



             [poss(B)3                                             novel]                                                very                      interesting


'Her/his novel is very interesting.'


An attributive possessive pronoun can also follow the head noun.


            father                                 poss(d)3      

'Her father'

[video example]


There are two other possessive pronouns: one has the Flat-Handshape:


                                poss(x)1                                                computer

'my computer' 


The other has the V-Handshape with the base joint of middle finger flexed:


                               step_mother                                                                              poss(d)3

'her stepmother'