Nouns can be preceded by indefinite determiners. Common indefinite determiners are one, one[ipsi_up], some_1, some_2, and other [Lexicon, Section 3.6.2].
varıous book there_ıs. some_1 book ınterestıng some_1 book ınterestıng not.
'There are various books. Some books are interesting. Some books are not interesting.'
Determiners can occur alone and function as indefinite pronouns with the meaning ‘someone’. They can be analyzed as modifying an unpronounced ‘person’.
phone other 1steal3
‘Someone has stolen my phone.’
Determiners can concatenate with signs meaning ‘person’ and function as indefinite pronouns. An example is one^person^c_person.
one person c_person
(recreated from Kelepir et al. 2018: 266)
one^person^c_person doorbell press
‘Someone is ringing the door.’
(adapted from Kelepir et al. 2018: 266)
See [Lexicon - Section 3.7.7] for other possible combinations.