aux auxiliary
cl():’meaning’ classifier predicate; the handshape is depicted between round brackets, and the meaning of the predicate is written between single quotation marks
fut future
cos change-of-state
distr distributive
ex exhaustive
indf indefinite
ix index (pointing sign)
mult multiple
neg negation/negative
pl plural
proh prohibitive
pt point
recp reciprocal
sg singular
Abbreviations and descriptions related to prosodic/clause structure
foc focus
ip intonational phrase
pp prosodic phrase
pw prosodic word
rc relative clause
Abbreviations and descriptions related to non-manual elements
[word] mouth actions
bl/bl-f body lean (forward)
bm body movement
cd chin down (=head tilt forward)
eg eye gaze
fe furrowed eyebrows
hn head nod
hm/hm-f head movement (forward)
hs headshake
ht/ht-b/ht-l/ht-r head tilt (backward/left/right)
mcd mouth corners down
neg negation markers
pl pursed lips
q question markers
re raised eyebrows
rs role shift markers
se squinted eyes
top topicalization markers
tp tongue protrusion
we widened eyes
y/n yes/no interrogative markers