Demonstrative reinforcer construction

The demonstrative reinforcer construction combines three items: noun, demonstrative, and locative. The locative element acts as reinforcer and provides additional information on the exact location of the referent(s).

         In the example below, two pointing signs are produced, one before and the other after the head noun (man). From an articulatory perspective, the two pointing signs do not look alike: the former is quickly produced, whereas the latter is characterised by a more marked articulation.


         pietro ix(loc)a man ix(dem)a be_familiar

         โ€˜Pietro knows that man over there.โ€™ (adapted from Bertone, 2007: 157)


It has been observed that the two pointing signs carry out different linguistic functions: the prenominal one functions as locative (reinforcer), whereas the postnominal one functions as demonstrative. The different status of these two elements is confirmed by plural inflection. In this respect, demonstratives and locatives differ from each other in that the former can be pluralized, while the latter cannot. As shown in the example below, the postnominal pointing sign allows for pluralization and therefore functions as demonstrative, whereas the prenominal pointing sign does not and therefore it functions as locative.




         pietro ix(loc)a man ix(dem)arc-a  be_familiar

         โ€˜Pietro knows those men over there.โ€™


Alternatively, the locative item can follow the demonstrative (a) or be simultaneously articulated with the non-dominant hand (b).


         a.            pietro man ix(dem)arc-a ix(loc)a be_familiar

         โ€˜Pietro knows those men over there.โ€™


         b.            dom:    pietro man ix(dem)arc-a be_familiar

                        n-dom:                           ix(loc)a

         โ€˜Pietro knows those men over there.โ€™


The demonstrative reinforcer construction is compatible with the anaphoric demonstrative pe as well.




         suitcasea pea ix(loc)a poss1

         โ€˜That suitcase over there is mine.โ€™