The intonational phrase is a domain in DGS that is systematically marked by rhythmic breaks such as pauses, holds, lowering of the hands, lengthening and in many cases discourse structuring gestures such as the palm-up gesture. The modulation of movement also includes the tension of signing and the involvement of non-dominant hand spreading and hand switching [Phonology 2.2.4.]. Non-manual domain markers such as facial expressions, head and body movements that spread over the intonational phrases in DGS do change and/or stop at intonational phrase boundaries. In DGS, we find the layering of those markers including eye brow movements, eye aperture, and mouth patterns. Punctual non-manual boundary markers such as head nods and eye blinks also accumulate at intonational phrase boundaries. Over half of the prosodic eye blinks appear at intonational phrases in DGS.