Smooth turn taking

In smooth turn taking, only one of the interlocutors signs. The other interlocutor starts to sign when the former ends the turn. Between turns, no pause is observed. An example of a smooth turn taking is illustrated below. 




Interlocutor-1:                                                problem what generally

Interlocutor-2: (...) decline weiter palm_up


Interlocutor-1:                                               โ€˜The general problem is that

Interlocutor-2: โ€˜Then you are able to cope in these situations.โ€™


Interlocutor-1: explain tell only ix3 sign language because hearing_loss



Interlocutor-1: sign language is only recommended in the case of a hearing loss.โ€™


(CDGS, 02:43:10-02:50:39)