1.4.2. Asymmetrical signs

Asymmetrical signs are two-handed signs in which both hands display different parameters. In this type of signs, the active hand has a more active role. Two different subtypes of asymmetrical signs may be distinguished. In the first type signs have the same handshape but differ in the rest of phonological parameters. For instance, in the signs marry, instructions and rice both hands have the same handshape; however, movement and orientation are different. Moreover, the dominant hand is the one bearing the movement, while the non-dominant hand is completely passive and does not display any type of movement.

a)    marry

b)    instructions

c)    rice (with change in finger configuration)

In the second type of asymmetrical signs, both hands display completely different phonological parameters, including different handshapes. In the examples below, the signs law, cinema, and beer display completely different parameters for each of the hands.  

a)    law

b)    cinema

c)    beer

The most common handshapes for the non-dominant hand in asymmetrical signs are the following.