List of wh-signs

LSC contains an extensive paradigm of wh-signs with the following meanings: ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘which’, ‘how’, ‘when’, ‘how much/many’, ‘where’. See the following examples.

-       who: this wh-sign is used just for people.

                                 top      wh

            ix3 woman jacket black who

‘Who is that woman with the black jacket?’


-       what:


ix2 work what

‘What do you do?’


-       why:

                                top        wh

child ix3 play football no why

‘Why doesn’t this kid play football?’


-      which:


ix2 sport like most which

‘Which sport do you like the most?’


-       how:

                        top                      wh

ix2 sibling_woman  work find how

‘How did your sister find a job?’


-    when: in this case, the sign is articulated differently if the time reference is related to the past or to the future. This time distinction is expressed by spatially modifying the sign towards the back of the dominant shoulder (past) and towards the front of signing space (future). 

                               top              wh

a)         ix2 degree teacher lsc  when.past

‘When did you get the professional degree of teacher of LSC?’




b)        ix2 birthday when.future

            ‘When is your birthday?’


-       how-many/much: there are different signs depending on the referent that is intended.

                                          top                wh

a)         ix2 house sleep_room   how_many

            ‘How many rooms does your house have?’



                                 top                       wh

b)        orange one kilo  how_much_cost

            ‘How much does a kilo of oranges cost?’



              top                           wh

c)         ix2p    friends how_long

            ‘For how long have you been friends?’



                    top                               wh

d)        town go  need time how_much

            ‘How much is left to get to the town?’


-       where:

         top      wh

library  where

‘Where is the library?’

(recreated from Quer et al., 2005)


Wh-expressions in LSC can be simple or complex. Complex wh-expressions are formed by a wh-sign and a restrictor.



            cookie steal boy who

‘Which boy stole the cookie?’  [VIDEO WILL BE UPLOADED WHEN ALLOWED TO ACCESS THE UNIVERSITY]                                            

(based on Alba, 2016: 104)