The manual markers presented in the previous subsection [SYNTAX] can occupy different positions in the sentence. The manual markers that we are going to describe are list-buoys, both and the-2, plus and also.
list-buoys can appear either at the beginning of each conjunct, as in example (a) below, or at the end of each one, as in (b).
re bl-left re bl-right
a) list-2-ixa marc cake cl: ‘bake’[contra] list-2-ixb marina pizza cl: ‘bake’[ipsi].
‘On the one hand, Marc baked a cake and on the other, Marina baked a pizza.’
(© Giorgia Zorzi 2018. Reprinted with permission from Zorzi, 2018b: 116)
re shn re shn
b) marc cake cl: ‘bake’[contra] list-2-ixa [marina pizza cl: ‘bake’][ipsi] list-2-ixb.
‘Marc baked a cake, on the one hand, and Marina baked a pizza, on the other.’
(© Giorgia Zorzi 2018. Reprinted with permission from Zorzi, 2018b: 117)
As for both and the-2, they also can appear either at the beginning (as in (a)-(b) below) or at the end of the sentence (as in (c)-(d)). If they appear at the beginning, they are topicalized. It is possible to have both at the beginning of the sentence, as in (d), but in that position the-2 is preferred, as in (c).
bl-left bl-right re
a) marina pizza eat icecream buy both.
‘Marina both ate pizza and bought ice-cream.’
(© Giorgia Zorzi 2018. Reprinted with permission from Zorzi, 2018b: 124)
hth hth
bl-left bl-right /dos/
b) marina pizza eat icecream buy the-2.
‘Marina both ate pizza and bought ice-cream.’
(© Giorgia Zorzi 2018. Reprinted with permission from Zorzi, 2018b: 124)
ht-left, bl-left ht-right, bl-right
c) the-2 marina pizza prepare marc icecream make.
‘Two things, Marina prepared pizza and Marc made ice-cream.’
(Zorzi, 2018b: 124)
re ht-left ht-right, bl-right
d) both marina pizza prepare[contra] marc ice-cream buy[ipsi].
‘They did two things, Marina prepared pizza and Marc bought ice-cream.’
(© Giorgia Zorzi 2018. Reprinted with permission from Zorzi, 2018b: 125)
plus, signed with either a y- or \-handshape, can only appear between the two conjuncts. Prosodically, it belongs to the second conjunct, as the presence of a prosodic break before it shows.
ht-left bl-right, ht-right
re /mas/ re
a) marina pizza bake plus-y marc sandwich prepare.
‘Marina baked a pizza and Marc prepared a sandwich.’
(© Giorgia Zorzi 2018. Reprinted with permission from Zorzi, 2018b: 119)
ht-left bl-right, ht-right
re /mas/, re re
b) marc pizza bake plus-o marina sandwich prepare.
‘Marina baked a pizza and Marc prepared a sandwich.’
Finally, also, like plus, can only appear between conjuncts and it also prosodically belongs to the second conjunct.
ht-right ht-left ht-right
shn shn shn
marc cake bake[contra] also marina pizza eat also ix2 sandwich prepare.
‘Marc baked a cake, and Marina ate a pizza and you prepared a sandwich.’
(© Giorgia Zorzi 2018. Reprinted with permission from Zorzi, 2018b: 117)