3.2.1. Subject pronoun copy

In some sentences with subordinate clauses in TİD, the main clause is followed by a pronominal copy of the subject. These are sentences where the main verb is want, like, forget_to and possibly other verbs in the same group [Syntax –]. 

alia [ix1 university work] want ix3a

‘Ali wants me to work at the university’.


ıxa poss1 son ixa [swim] much like ixa

  ‘My son (he) likes swimming very much.’

                                                         (adapted from Göksel & Kelepir 2016: 9, ex. 11a, c)


In an other type of complex sentence, where the main verb is know_that or forget_that [Syntax -], a subject pronoun copy occurs only if it is followed by the main verb:



alia ix3a [ix1 university work] ix3a know_that

‘Ali knows that I am working at the university’.

 (adapted from Göksel & Kelepir 2016: 9, ex. 12c)


Sentences with know_that as the matrix verb behave the same when the subordinate clause is an interrogative. This applies to similar non-agreeing verbs. Here, the subject pronoun copy occurs before the second mention of the main verb.


ix1 know_that [who pass exam] ix1 know_that

‘I know who passed the exam’.

                                                           (adapted from Hakgüder 2015b:  23; ex. 27)