Verbs taking object clauses
There are a number of verbs that can have clausal objects, such as want, like, think, and others. These verbs form two distinct groups with respect to their syntactic behavior. Among the verbs in the first group are want, like, know_how_to, forget_to, make_an_effort, and the other group contains, among others, the verbs think, know_that, forget_that, understand, and believe. In the examples below, the embedded object clause is in square brackets and the main verb is in italics:
melek [child good school go] want
‘Melek wants her child to go to a good school.’
(Göksel and Kelepir 2016: p6; ex. 4a)
hasan know_that [elif horse.ride work succeed work++succeed]
‘Hasan knows that Elif is working on and succeeding at horse riding.’
(adapted from Göksel & Kelepir 2016: 7; ex. 6b)