Adverbs and adjuncts that provide information about time and location are, by default, placed at the beginning of the sentence. As mentioned in SYNTAX this position establishes a ‘frame’ regarding when and where the event is taking place.
a) past two_weeks bus strike. [VIDEO NEEDS TO BE RECORDED]
‘Two weeks ago there was a bus strike.’
b) tomorrow ix mountain weather good sure. [VIDEO NEEDS TO BE RECORDED]
‘Tomorrow in the mountains I'm sure the weather will be good.’
(examples a-b based on Quer et al., 2005)
However, if the information about time or place is the information focus of the sentence, it is placed at the end of the sentence [PRAGMATICS 4.1], as shown in the examples below.
a) bus strike past two_weeks.
‘The bus strike took place two weeks ago.’
b) ball cheese factory manufacture++ ix holland.
‘Edam cheese is made in Holland.’
(examples a-b based on Quer et al., 2005)