Position for different types of adverbs and adjuncts

Adverbs and adjuncts that provide information about time and location are, by default, placed at the beginning of the sentence. As mentioned in SYNTAX this position establishes a ‘frame’ regarding when and where the event is taking place.


a)    past two_weeks bus strike. [VIDEO NEEDS TO BE RECORDED]

‘Two weeks ago there was a bus strike.’


b)    tomorrow ix mountain weather good sure. [VIDEO NEEDS TO BE RECORDED]

‘Tomorrow in the mountains I'm sure the weather will be good.’

                                                                                     (examples a-b based on Quer et al., 2005)


However, if the information about time or place is the information focus of the sentence, it is placed at the end of the sentence [PRAGMATICS 4.1], as shown in the examples below. 


a)    bus strike past two_weeks.

‘The bus strike took place two weeks ago.’



b)    ball cheese factory manufacture++ ix holland.

‘Edam cheese is made in Holland.’                                         

  (examples a-b based on Quer et al., 2005)