A Grammar of Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT) Compounds involving Size-and-Shape Specifiers (SASS)

Compounds with a size-and-shape specifier (SASS, see also MORPHOLOGY 5.2) are discussed separately, because SASS can fulfill different functions: they can be a modifier (similar to adjectives), they can be modified themselves, or they can be in a coordinate relationship with the other element. Therefore, it may sometimes be unclear which element functions as the head. A native endocentric subordinate compound in which the head is clear and in final position is the sign swim^sasssquare โ€˜swimming poolโ€™, shown below:



X. swim^sasssquare โ€˜swimming poolโ€™



The SASS usually occurs in final position; however, as shown in the sign for โ€˜peaโ€™ in Figure a. in MORPHOLOGY, it may also occur in first position. The sign for โ€˜peaโ€™ additionally exemplifies that the head may not always be clear, since it is debatable whether the SASS (the first element) is the head of the compound, or the verb snap_away (the second element).

List of editors

Ulrika Klomp & Roland Pfau
(note: this grammar is still under construction)

Copyright info

ยฉ 2021 Ulrika Klomp & Roland Pfau

Bibliographical reference for citation

The entire grammar:
Klomp, Ulrika and Roland Pfau (eds.). 2020. A Grammar of Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT). 1st ed. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series). (http://sign-hub.eu/grammars/...) (Accessed 31-10-2021)

A Chapter:
Smith, Mary. 2020. Syntax: 3. Coordination and Subordination. In Branchini, Chiara and Lara Mantovan (eds.), A Grammar of Italian Sign Language (LIS). 1st ed. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series), 230-237. ((http://sign-hub.eu/grammars/...) (Accessed 31-10-2021)

A Section:
Smith, Mary. 2020. Phonology: Finger configuration. In Mary, Smith, Ben Smith and Carlo Smith (eds.), A Grammar of Catalan Sign Language (LSC). 1st ed. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series), 230-237. (http://sign-hub.eu/grammars/...) (Accessed 31-10-2021)

Smith, Mary. 2020. Syntax: Manual markers in disjunctive coordination. In Mary, Smith, Ben Smith and Carlo Smith (eds.), A Grammar of Catalan Sign Language (LSC). 1st edn. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series), 230-237. (http://sign-hub.eu/grammars/...) (Accessed 31-10-2021)