4.3. Corpora
The largest corpus of NGT is the one developed by Crasborn, Zwitserlood & Ros, published in 2008.[1][BVdB1] In the first release, 92 signers from all parts of the Netherlands participated (see also INTRODUCTION. Parts of the data from the corpus are furthermore implemented in the NGT Signbank database, a lexical database including visual materials, possible translations and phonological information for every sign.
In addition, there are several datasets compiled in Amsterdam and Nijmegen, which are archived at The Language Archive of the Max Planck Institute in Nijmegen. Additionally, within another subproject of the SIGN-HUB project (see INTRODUCTION), an archive with stories of elderly deaf has been composed (see Short overview of references[BVdB2] ).
[1] https://www.ru.nl/corpusngtuk/ and https://www.corpusngt.nl, last accessed on August 11, 2020.