Existential constructions express that an entity exists or exists in a particular location. The sign there is used for both possessive and existential constructions. In existentials, it can occur before or after the entity whose existence is asserted:
train_station there café super
‘There’s a great coffee shop at the train station.’
DGS has three means for negating an existential construction. First, the suppletive negative existential can be used, which is formally identical to the negative possessive (a). Alternatively, a second negative existential sign not-have can be used (b), and lastly none, which also serves as a negative determiner, functions as a postnominal negative existential (c).
a. train_station café super without
‘There’s no great coffee shop at the train station.’
b. seminar^room ix3 student not_have
‘There are no students in the seminar room.’
c. m-a-x poss3 clothes^cl:‘wardrobe’ in clothes none
‘There are no clothes in Max’s wardrobe.’