A Grammar of Italian Sign Language (LIS)

Chapter 2. Derivation

The present chapter illustrates the morphological processes that LIS employs to derive new lexemes from existing ones. As a word formation process, derivation differs from compounding (MORPHOLOGY 1) in that it consists of the combination of affixes (i.e. bound morphemes) with a stem, namely a free word or sign functioning as base. The peculiarity of derivational morphology in LIS, and in sign languages in general, is that affixes can be realised both manually (MORPHOLOGY 2.1) and non-manually (MORPHOLOGY 2.2), and their addition to the stem can be either sequential or simultaneous: i) sequential derivation consists of the concatenation of a base sign and an affix, whereas ii) simultaneous derivation  is marked through the modification of one or more phonological parameters (PHONOLOGY 1) of the manual sign (stem modification), or through the addition of specific non-manual markers, simultaneously articulated with the manual sign. Nonetheless, derivational processes can also imply no modification at all, thus realising zero derivation or conversion.

As in other sign languages, simultaneous processes are the most common in LIS, though we find sequential operations as well. In the remainder of this chapter, we will describe and provide examples for each strategy.

List of editors

Chiara Branchini & Lara Mantovan

Copyright info

ยฉ 2020 Chiara Branchini, Chiara Calderone, Carlo Cecchetto, Alessandra Checchetto, Elena Fornasiero, Lara Mantovan & Mirko Santoro

Bibliographical reference for citation

The entire grammar:
Branchini, Chiara and Lara Mantovan (eds.). 2020. A Grammar of Italian Sign Language (LIS). 1st ed. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series). (http://sign-hub.eu/grammars/...) (Accessed 31-10-2021)

A Chapter:
Smith, Mary. 2020. Syntax: 3. Coordination and Subordination. In Branchini, Chiara and Lara Mantovan (eds.), A Grammar of Italian Sign Language (LIS). 1st ed. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series), 230-237. ((http://sign-hub.eu/grammars/...) (Accessed 31-10-2021)

A Section:
Smith, Mary. 2020. Phonology: Finger configuration. In Mary, Smith, Ben Smith and Carlo Smith (eds.), A Grammar of Catalan Sign Language (LSC). 1st ed. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series), 230-237. (http://sign-hub.eu/grammars/...) (Accessed 31-10-2021)

Smith, Mary. 2020. Syntax: Manual markers in disjunctive coordination. In Mary, Smith, Ben Smith and Carlo Smith (eds.), A Grammar of Catalan Sign Language (LSC). 1st edn. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series), 230-237. (http://sign-hub.eu/grammars/...) (Accessed 31-10-2021)