3.6.2. Indefinite determiners
Common indefinite determiners are one, some_1, some_2, one[ipsi_up] , and other. one is articulated with the index finger pointing upwards.
some_1 is a two-handed sign with the 1-handshape. It is articulated with asymmetric movement of the hands on the frontal plane.
some_2 is a two-handed sign with the V-handshape. The finger tips face each other and the
hands move asymmetrically on the frontal plane. Since some_2 is homophonous with the frequency adverb sometimes, it may be optionally accompanied by the mouthing of the Turkish word bazen ‘sometimes’.
one[ipsi_up] has the same handshape as one but it is articulated by pointing the index finger towards the higher region of the (ipsi-)lateral signing space and with a slight tremor.
other is articulated with the movement of the forearm towards the lateral signing space and changing the orientation of the hand from palm-down to palm-up.
For the ordering of determiners and nouns, see [Syntax 4.1]