A Grammar of Turkish Sign Language (TİD)

3.6.2. Indefinite determiners

Common indefinite determiners are one, some_1, some_2, one[ipsi_up] , and other. one is articulated with the index finger pointing upwards.





some_1 is a two-handed sign with the 1-handshape. It is articulated with asymmetric movement of the hands on the frontal plane.





some_2 is a two-handed sign with the V-handshape. The finger tips face each other and the

hands move asymmetrically on the frontal plane. Since some_2 is homophonous with the frequency adverb sometimes, it may be optionally accompanied by the mouthing of the Turkish word bazen ‘sometimes’.





one[ipsi_up] has the same handshape as one but it is articulated by pointing the index finger towards the higher region of the (ipsi-)lateral signing space and with a slight tremor.







other is articulated with the movement of the forearm towards the lateral signing space and changing the orientation of the hand from palm-down to palm-up.






For the ordering of determiners and nouns, see [Syntax 4.1]

List of editors

Meltem Kelepir

Copyright info

© 2020 Kadir Gökgöz, Aslı Göksel, Demet Kayabaşı, Meltem Kelepir, Onur Keleş, Okan Kubus, Aslı Özkul, A. Sumru Özsoy, Burcu Saral, Hande Sevgi, Süleyman S. Taşçı

Bibliographical reference for citation

The entire grammar:
Kelepir, Meltem (ed.). 2020. A Grammar of Turkish Sign Language (TİD). 1st ed. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series). (https://thesignhub.eu/grammar/tid) (Accessed 31-10-2021)

A Chapter:
LastName, FirstName. 2020. Syntax: 3. Coordination and Subordination. In Kelepir, Meltem (ed.). 2020. A Grammar of Turkish Sign Language (TİD). 1st ed. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series), 230-237. (https://thesignhub.eu/grammar/tid) (Accessed 31-10-2021)

A Section:
LastName, FirstName. 2020. Phonology: Finger configuration. In Kelepir, Meltem (ed.). 2020. A Grammar of Turkish Sign Language (TİD). 1st ed. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series), 230-237. (https://thesignhub.eu/grammar/tid) (Accessed 31-10-2021)

LastName, FirstName. 2020. Syntax: Manual markers in disjunctive coordination. In Kelepir, Meltem (ed.). 2020. A Grammar of Turkish Sign Language (TİD). 1st ed. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series), 230-237. (https://thesignhub.eu/grammar/tid) (Accessed 31-10-2021)