Negative particles
no_no is a negative particle in TİD [Lexicon 3.11.1]. It is used for contrast and canceling a presupposition.
poss1 friend all restaurant play. ix1 ix1 no_no
‘My friends are all into dining out and entertainment, but I am not.’
(Zeshan 2006: 156)
no_no also occurs as a single-handed sign. In that use, it indicates an advice similar to a polite imperative [Syntax – 1.3.].
food CL(?):'leave_a_bunch_of_X' CL(?):'leave_a_bunch_of_X' no_no. all eat.
‘Don’t leave pieces of food behind. Eat all of it.’
empty is another negative marker that cancels a presupposition.
ix1 today go_for_a_walk go. ix1 look_at3a confusiona++ ix1 think. empty. ix3a celebrationa ix3a.
‘I went for a walk today. I thought I noticed a confusion. Never mind, it was a celebration.’
palm-up can also be used to encode a negative meaning. A head shake is used on palm-up and the preceding predicate.
ix1 this comprehend palm-up
‘I don’t get this.’
(Gökgöz 2011: 63)