3.2.2. Position of question signs
Question signs, specifically, wh-signs [Syntax -], occur in two positions in embedded clauses: either in-situ, or at the end of the sentence (as opposed to the four possible positions in interrogatives that are simplex clauses [Syntax - 1.2.]). In the first two examples, the question signs occur in-situ.
ix2 forget [ix1+2pl-incl when marry] forget
‘You forgot when the two of us got married.’
(adapted from Hakgüder 2015a: 83; ex. 73)
ann wonder [who like philip]
‘Ann wonders who likes Philip.’
(Hakgüder 2015a: 89; ex. 81)
ix1 know_that [günaya ix3a ayşeb acheat_onb who]
‘I know who Günay is cheating on Ayşe with.’
(adapted from Hakgüder 2015a: 83; ex. 74)