List of abbreviations
Abbreviations of non-manual markers
top topic marker
wh wh-question marker
y/n yes/no-question marker
neg syntactic negation marker
cond conditional marker
foc focus marker
rel relative clause marker
rs role shift
rhq rhetorical question
re raised eyebrows
fe furrowed eyebrows
le lowered eyebrows
eb eyeblink
eg eyegaze
+eg eyegaze towards the addressee
-eg no eyegaze towards the addressee avoidance of eye contact
eg-a eyegaze towards location a
eg-left eyegaze to the left
eg-left/right eyegaze alternation
we eyes wide open
sq squint
wrn wrinkled nose
cu chin up
cd chin down
pc puffed cheeks
pt protruded tongue
tongue-wg tongue wiggling
pl protruded lips
bbl bitting bottom lip
lcd lips curved down
smile smile
mth mouthing
hs headshake
hn head nod
shn single head nod
hth head thrust
ht-f head tilt forward
ht-b head tilt backward
ht-left head tilt to the left
ht-right head tilt to the right
ht-left/right head tilt alternation
bl-right body lean right
bl-left body lean left
bl-f body lean forward
bl-b body lean backward
su shoulders up
Abbreviations of functional morphemes
atel |
atelic |
aux |
auxiliary |
ben |
benefactive |
caus |
causative |
com |
comitative |
comp |
complementizer |
compl |
completive |
con |
conative |
cond |
conditional |
cont |
continuous |
cop |
copula |
decl |
declarative |
def |
definite |
dem |
demonstrative |
det |
determiner |
distr |
distributive |
dur |
durative |
excl |
exclusive |
foc |
focus |
fut |
future |
imp |
imperative |
incl |
inclusive |
ind |
indicative |
indef |
indefinite |
inf |
infinitive |
ins |
instrumental |
impfv |
imperfective |
irr |
irrealis |
loc |
locative |
neg |
negation, negative |
nmlz |
nominalizer |
pfv |
perfective |
pl |
plural |
poss |
possessive |
prf |
perfect |
prs |
present |
prog |
progressive |
pst |
past |
q_prt |
question particle/marker |
quot |
quotative |
recp |
reciprocal |
refl |
reflexive |
rel |
relative |
res |
resultative |
sg |
singular |
tel |
telic |
top |
topic |
voc |
vocative |